In general, I like the classic, elegant, stream-lined yet well-designed bags. For me, the less logo and hardware, the better. I also don't like too heavy bags, because I already carry a lot of things. So, it helps if the bag is so much lighter. Given these prerequisites, my current favorite designers are:
1. Proenza Schouler - If I could afford it, I would buy one from each of their various styles!!! Why...for reasons stated above.
2. Prada - I'm particularly drawn to the bags with various carrying options such as handheld-satchel-crossbody.
3. Louis Vuitton - But, only the EPI line. I love how EPI seems so beautiful, timeless and at the same time indestructible.
4. Longchamp - Not as premium as the others, but I love how the bags are so durable, no fuss and foldable. Such a necessity when travelling! I'm especially drawn to the limited edition releases!
5. Tumi - Love it's travel line from luggages, nylon crossbody travel bags and travel wallet!